TCU Comprehensive Interventions

Note: In addition to the TCU Comprehensive Interventions being available for free download (see below), selected printed manuals are available for purchase from the Chestnut Health Systems Bookstore at


Straight Ahead: Transition Skills for Recovery

Sections that can be downloaded separately (Session files include handouts)

Time Out! For Me: An Assertiveness and Sexuality Workshop for Women

Sections that can be downloaded separately (Session files include handouts)

Time Out! For Men: A Communication Skills and Sexuality Workshop For Men

Sections that can be downloaded separately (Session files include handouts)

Approaches to HIV/AIDS Education in Drug Treatment

  • Description
  • Entire intervention: 200 pages (Table of Contents, Introduction, Sessions 1-4 with handouts, Additional Ideas, Resources and References, Client Survey, and section dividers)
  • Intervention sample: 35 pages (Cover, Table of Contents, Preface, Introduction, and
    Session 1 (with handouts)

Sections that can be downloaded separately:

Contingency Management Strategies and Ideas

Preparation for Change: The Tower of Strengths and
the Weekly Planner

  •  Description
  • Entire intervention: 81 pages (Cover, Table of Contents, Preface, Sections 1-3, Appendix A, Tower of Strengths Maps, Strengths Cards and Discussion Topics, Appendix B, The Weekly Planner Maps, The Weekly Planner Quote Cards, Discussion Topics for The Weekly Planner)
  • Intervention sample: 22 pages (Cover, Table of Contents, Preface, and Sections 1-2)

Sections that can be downloaded separately:

Partners in Parenting

  •  Description
  • Entire intervention: 294 pages (Cover, Table of Contents, Introduction, Table of Contents, Sessions 1-8 with handouts, Resources, References, Questionnaire, Appendix, and section dividers.  Note that this is a very large file; to download it, right click on the “Entire Intervention” link and select “Save target as” to download the file to your computer.
  • Intervention sample: 33 pages (Table of Contents, Introduction, Ideas for Using This Intervention, and Session 1)

Sections that can be downloaded separately: Session files include handouts