Mapping is a visual representation counseling strategy for improving communication and decision making that can enhance any therapeutic or psycho-educational exercise, either in group or individual settings. Evidence shows it significantly improves treatment engagement and client progress indicators, and helps compensate for a variety of cognitive and social deficits common among drug users in treatment (Dansereau & Dees, 2002; Czuchry & Dansereau, 2003).
The Institute of Behavioral Research at Texas Christian University is pleased to make available, without charge, a wide array of evidence-based mapping guides, client interventions, and organizational interventions developed for substance abuse treatment. Collectively, they are referred to as the “TCU Treatment Interventions.”
Mapping Matrix
- Background and Overview
- Mapping Matrix for selecting guide maps for use in TCU Mapping-Enhanced Counseling for substance abuse treatment [PDF; 786 KB; 7 pages]
- Mapping Matrix Introduction and Instructions
Mapping-Enhanced Counseling: An Introduction
- Description
- Entire intervention: 74 pages (Cover, Table of Contents, Introduction, Parts 1-3, and Appendix)
Mapping New Roads to Recovery: Cognitive Enhancements to Counseling
- Description
- Entire intervention: 148 pages (Cover, Table of Contents, Chapters 1-5, Appendices, Glossary, Bibliography, and section dividers)
- Intervention sample: 46 pages (Introduction, Table of Contents, and Chapters 1-2)
Sections that can be downloaded separately:
- Cover, Table of Contents, and Preface: 9 pages
- Chapter 1 (Introduction to Mapping)
- Chapter 2 (“Growing” Maps in Group Settings)
- Chapter 3 (Drawing Maps in Individual Counseling)
- Chapter 4 (Showing a Client How Maps Work
- Chapter 5 (Types of Structured Maps)
- Appendix A (Group counseling session maps)
- Appendix B (Individual counseling session maps)
- Appendix C (Additional mapping exercises)
- Glossary-Bibliography:
- Section dividers
TCU Guide Maps: A Resource for Counselors
- Description
- Entire intervention: 132 pages (Cover, Table of Contents, Introduction, Chapters 1-6, Chapter 7 — Sections A-H)
- Intervention sample: 18 pages (Cover, Table of Contents, Introduction, and
Chapter 1)
Sections that can be downloaded separately:
- Cover through Introduction
- Chapter 1 (Why Use a Map?)
- Chapter 2 (Setting the Stage . . . Getting to Know You)
- Chapter 3 (What’s a Map?)
- Chapter 4 (I have to PLAN for my treatment?)
- Chapter 5 (Deal with Important Issues: Map them!)
- Chapter 6 (After Treatment: Mapping the Future)
- Chapter 7-A (Maps: Dr. C’s Map Treatment Packet)
- Chapter 7-B (Maps: Dealing with Myself)
- Chapter 7-C (Maps: Dealing with Other People)
- Chapter 7-D (Maps: Planning Ahead, Decision Making, and Problem Solving)
- Chapter 7-E (Maps: Learning from Situations)
- Chapter 7-F (Maps: Dealing with Substance Abuse)
- Chapter 7-G (Maps: Dealing with HIV/AIDS)
- Chapter 7-H (Maps: General Topics)
Mapping Your Steps: “Twelve Step” Guide Maps (English version)
- Description
- Entire intervention: 138 pages (Cover, Table of Contents, Mapping Basics, the Twelve Step Guide Maps, the Serenity Prayer and Maps, Slogans for Twelve Step groups and maps, “The Twelve Traditions,” and maps)
- Intervention sample: 36 pages (Cover, Table of Contents, Mapping Basics, Maps for Step 1 of Twelve Steps)
Sections that can be downloaded separately:
- Cover, Table of Contents, Mapping Basics
- Maps for all Twelve Steps with additional maps and Discussion Topics
- Maps for Step 1 of Twelve Steps
- Maps for Step 2 of Twelve Steps
- Maps for Step 3 of Twelve Steps
- Maps for Step 4 of Twelve Steps
- Maps for Step 5 of Twelve Steps
- Maps for Step 6 of Twelve Steps
- Maps for Step 7 of Twelve Steps
- Maps for Step 8 of Twelve Steps
- Maps for Step 9 of Twelve Steps
- Maps for Step 10 of Twelve Steps
- Maps for Step 11 of Twelve Steps
- Maps for Step 12 of Twelve Steps includes Discussion Topics for all 12 Steps
- The Serenity Prayer and Maps
- Slogans for 12-Step Groups and Maps
- The Twelve Traditions and Maps
Mapping Your Steps: “Twelve Step” Guide Maps (Spanish version)
- Descripción
- Intervention completo: Forro del manual, Tabla de Contenidos, Elementos básicos de un mapa, Cómo “Guíar Sus Pasos,” Mapas de Los Doce Pasos, Mapas de la Oración de la Serenidad, Mapas de Refranes, Mapas de las Doce Tradiciones
- Muestra Intervention: Forro del manual, Tabla de Contenidos, Elementos básicos de un mapa, Mapas para el paso 1 de los doce pasos
También, las secciones pueden ser descargado por separado:
- Forro del intervention, Tabla de Contenidos, Elementos básicos de un mapa
- Mapas para los doce pasos con mapas adicionales y temas para discusiόn
- Mapas para el paso 1 de los doce pasos
- Mapas para el paso 2 de los doce pasos
- Mapas para el paso 3 de los doce pasos
- Mapas para el paso 4 de los doce pasos
- Mapas para el paso 5 de los doce pasos
- Mapas para el paso 6 de los doce pasos
- Mapas para el paso 7 de los doce pasos
- Mapas para el paso 8 de los doce pasos
- Mapas para el paso 9 de los doce pasos
- Mapas para el paso 10 de los doce pasos
- Mapas para el paso 11 de los doce pasos
- Mapas para el paso 12 de los doce pasos con temas para discusiόn
- Mapas de la Oraciόn de la Serenidad
- Mapas de Refranes
- Mapas de las Doce Tradiciones
Mapping Organizational Change: A Guidebook on Program Needs
- Description
- Entire intervention: 20 pages (Cover, Introduction, References, Steps and Maps)
Mapping Your Treatment Plan: A Collaborative Approach
- Description
- Entire intervention: 54 pages (Cover, Table of Contents, Introduction, Sessions 1-3, and Mapping Bibliography)
Mapping the Journey: A Treatment Guidebook
- Description
- Entire intervention: 63 pages (Cover, Table of Contents, Introduction and Overview to Mapping, “Mapping Guides,” Appendix on Mapping Research, and References)
Mapping Your Reentry Plan: Heading Home
- Description
- Entire intervention:72 pages (Cover, Table of Contents, Introduction, Sessions 1-2, Subsequent Sessions, Appendices)