Undergraduate Student Opportunities

The IBR SOAR (Student Overview of Applied Research) Lab is a new IBR program developed by Jen Pankow and colleagues, to provide opportunities for undergraduate students to experience applied research, coupled with interactive activities designed to enhance academic skills and create networking and mentoring opportunities with research interested peers, graduate students, and IBR research scientists.

There are three Tiers for the SOAR Lab:

Brief DescriptionTime CommitmentApplication Details
Tier 1Open-group monthly meetings1-3 hours per monthNo application needed. Email ibr@tcu.edu to be added to the email list.
Tier 2IBR research apprenticeship 10 hours per week Tier 2 Apprenticeship Application
Tier 3IBR Paid Internship Opportunity10 hours per weekMust have previous SOAR Lab engagement. Email a.wiese@tcu.edu

For more information see: A Guide to Soar Lab Tier Structures.

Tier 1:

All students are invited to participate in attending the SOAR Lab monthly meetings (Tier 1) featuring research presentations by scientists and graduate students, introducing lab members to IBR project interventions. Students in Tier 1 collaborate on research for poster presentations as a part of the Student Research Symposium (SRS) each spring.

SOAR Lab Monthly Meetings

Upcoming Meetings:
January 21, 20254:00 pm -5:00 pm
WIN 215


Tier 2: 

Students are invited to apply for Tier 2 to receive a placement at the IBR and hands-on experience with large-scale research
projects. Tier 2  placements are competitive and require a commitment of 10 hours a week for the semester. Download the application, complete it and send it to a.wiese@tcu.edu

Tier 3:

If you have previous involvement with the SOAR Lab Tier 1 or Tier 2, you may be considered for a Tier 3 placement. Please contact your current project lead for more information.