The Correctional Residential Forms include a comprehensive set of intake and during-treatment data collection instruments for assessing functioning and services in residential settings. Instructions and item wording have been tailored to address issues related to an offender being confined prior to assessment.
These forms have been updated conceptually and technically, however, as part of the more current TCU Forms. Interested users are strongly encouraged to consider a customized assessments approach based on selective “packaging” of the TCU Forms for intake and progress evaluations.
The Initial Assessment is administered by a counselor within 24 hours of program entry and includes background and psychosocial information, a brief history of illegal drug use, and assessments of alcohol, cocaine, opioid, and cannabis abuse based on DSM-IV criteria.
[20 minutes]
- Initial Assessment [PDF; 68 KB; 16 pages] [DOC; 98 KB; 16 pages]
- Answer Cards for Initial Assessment [PDF; 11 KB; 4 pages] [DOC; 29 KB; 4 pages]
The Intake is administered by a counselor in a face-to-face interview held approximately 5 days after the Initial Assessment, when the probationer has had time to reach greater stabilization and cognitive focus. It is comprehensive and includes sections on sociodemographic background, family and peer relations, health and psychological status, criminal involvement, in-depth drug use history, and an AIDS-risk assessment. [90 minutes]
- Intake [PDF; 113 KB; 31 pages] [DOC; 217 KB; 31 pages]
- Answer Cards for Intake [PDF; 15 KB; Answer Cards] [DOC; 33 KB; Answer Cards]
The Self-Rating at Intake is completed by the probationer immediately following the Initial Assessment. It includes short scales for psychological adjustment (i.e., self-esteem, depression, anxiety, and decision-making), social functioning (i.e., childhood problems, hostility, risk-taking, and social conformity), and motivation scales (problem recognition, desire for help, treatment readiness) as well as the Pearlin Mastery Scale. [10 minutes]
- Self-Rating at Intake [PDF; 17 KB; 6 pages] [DOC; 42 KB; 6 pages]
- Scoring Guide for Self-Rating at Intake [PDF; 14 KB; 4 pages]
The Counselor Rating of Client is completed by the counselor for the purpose of describing probationer functioning and therapeutic strategies used in the preceding 3 months. [5 minutes]
- Counseling Rating of Client [PDF; 9 KB; 2 pages] [DOC; 33 KB; 2 pages]
The Evaluation of Self and Treatment (for the previous 3 months) records probationer ratings of the counselor, therapeutic groups, and the program in general. It also contains scales assessing psychological adjustment, social functioning, and motivation. [15 minutes]
- Evaluation of Self and Treatment [PDF; 20 KB; 7 pages] [DOC; 46 KB; 7 pages]
- Scoring Guide for Evaluation of Self and Treatment [PDF; 15 KB; 4 pages]