About this intervention
Partners in Parenting focuses on the identified concerns of recovering parents and encourages learning and skill-building in key areas such as parent-child communication, developmental expectancies, guidance and discipline, problem solving, and self-care. The intervention contains materials for an 8-session structured workshop that allows participants to practice parenting strategies and discuss their experiences with others. The comprehensive outlines for each session provide lecture notes, discussion questions, exercises and activities, and handouts. The appendix section contains useful reprints of parenting articles and child development information, plus a list of Web sites likely to be of interest to parents and counselors. The intervention is being piloted and evaluated at a residential substance abuse program for women and their children (see the Women & Children Project).
This intervention was developed as part of the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) Grant 1HD8TI11119-01007, The Salvation Army First Choice Program for Drug-Addicted Women with Children, and the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Grant DA06162-06A1, Improving Drug Abuse Treatment Assessment and Research (DATAR-Phase 2).
The Partners in Parenting training module and all related data collection forms may be freely used for personal, educational, research, and/or information purposes only. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce and distribute copies of content material (unless otherwise noted) for nonprofit educational and nonprofit library purposes, provided that copies are distributed at or below costs and that credit for author and source are included on each copy.
No part of any material may be copied, downloaded, stored in a retrieval system, or redistributed for any commercial purpose without the expressed written permission of Texas Christian University.
Recommended Citation: Bartholomew, N. G., Knight, D. K., Chatham, L. R., & Simpson, D. D. (2000). Partners in parenting. Fort Worth: Texas Christian University, Institute of Behavioral Research. Available: Lighthouse Institute Publications, 720 West Chestnut Street, Bloomington, IL 61701 (Phone toll-free: 888-547-8271) and the IBR Web site: www.ibr.tcu.edu
Selected References
Knight, D. K., Bartholomew, N. G., & Simpson, D. D. (2007). An exploratory study of “Partners in Parenting” within two substance abuse treatment programs for women. Psychological Services, 4(4), 262-276. [Abstract]
Hood, P., Knight, D. K., & Logan, S. M. (2003). Mutually beneficial collaboration: Using evaluation to improve service delivery. Lessons learned: Residential substance abuse treatment for women and their children (DHHS Publication No. SMA 03-3787). Rockville, MD: Center for Substance
Abuse Treatment.
Knight, D. K., Logan, S. M., & Simpson, D. D. (2001). Predictors of program completion for women in residential substance abuse treatment. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 27(l), 1-18. [Abstract]
Knight, D. K., Hood, P. E., Logan, S. M., & Chatham, L. R. (1999). Residential treatment for women with dependent child: One agency’s approach. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 31(4), 339-351. [Abstract]