About this intervention
Mapping Your Steps provides mapping templates for helping clients work their 12-step program and contemplate the deeper, personal relevance of each step. This intervention is an excellent resource for counselors who want to assist clients interested in immersing themselves in the steps and traditions of groups like Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, or Cocaine Anonymous. The approach is suitable for both “old-timers” and for clients who are new to 12-step work. The maps encourage reflection and serious consideration of the foundational ideas of 12-step programs such as powerlessness, concepts of a Higher Power, moral inventories, making amends, and helping others. In addition, the intervention includes maps to explore popular AA slogans, the Twelve Traditions, and the Serenity Prayer.
This intervention was developed as part of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Grant DA08608, Cognitive Enhancements for the Treatment of Probationers (CETOP).
Recommended Citation: Sia, T. L, Dansereau, D. F., & Dees, S. M. (2002). Mapping your steps: “Twelve Step” guide maps. Fort Worth: Texas Christian University, Institute of Behavioral Research. Available: the IBR Website: www.ibr.tcu.edu
Selected References
Czuchry, M., & Dansereau, D. F. (2003). A model of the effects of node-link mapping on drug abuse counseling. Addictive Behaviors, 28(3), 537-549. [Abstract]
Czuchry, M., & Dansereau, D. F. (1999). Node-link mapping and psychological problems: Perceptions of a residential drug abuse treatment program
for probationers. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 17(4), 321-329 [Abstract]
Newbern, D., Dansereau, D. F., & Pitre, U. (1999). Positive effects on life skills motivation and self-efficacy: Node-link maps in a modified therapeutic community. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 25(3), 407-423. [Abstract]
Pitre, U., Dansereau, D. F., Newbern, D., & Simpson, D. D. (1998). Residential drug abuse treatment for probationers: Use of node-link mapping to enhance participation and progress. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 15(6), 535-543. [Abstract]
Dees, S. M., Dansereau, D. F., & Simpson, D. D. (1997). Mapping-enhanced drug abuse counseling: Urinalysis results in the first year of methadone treatment. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 14(1), 45-54. [Abstract]
Joe, G. W., Dansereau, D. F., Pitre, U., & Simpson, D. D. (1997). Effectiveness of node-link mapping enhanced counseling for opiate addicts: A 12-month posttreatment follow-up. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 185(5), 306-313. [Abstract]
Simpson, D. D., Joe, G. W., Dansereau, D. F., & Chatham, L. R. (1997). Strategies for improving methadone treatment process and outcomes.
Journal of Drug Issues, 27(2), 239-260. [Abstract]
Dansereau, D. F., Joe, G. W., Dees, S. M., & Simpson, D. D. (1996). Ethnicity and the effects of mapping-enhanced drug abuse counseling. Addictive Behaviors, 21(3), 363-376. [Abstract]
Pitre, U., Dansereau, D. F., & Joe, G. W. (1996). Client education levels and the effectiveness of node-link maps. Journal of Addictive Diseases, 15(3), 27-44. [Abstract]
Czuchry, M., Dansereau, D. F., Dees, S. M., & Simpson, D. D. (1995). The use of node-link mapping in drug abuse counseling: The role of attentional factors. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 27(2), 161-166. [Abstract]
Dansereau, D. F., Dees, S. M., Greener, J. M., & Simpson, D. D. (1995). Node-link mapping and the evaluation of drug abuse counseling sessions. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 9(3), 195-203. [Abstract]
Joe, G. W., Dansereau, D. F., & Simpson, D. D. (1994). Node-link mapping for counseling cocaine users in methadone treatment. Journal of Substance Abuse, 6, 393-406. [Abstract]
Knight, D. K., Dansereau, D. F., Joe, G. W., & Simpson, D. D. (1994). The role of node-link mapping in individual and group counseling. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 20(4), 517-527. [Abstract]
Knight, K., Simpson, D. D., & Dansereau, D. F. (1994). Knowledge mapping: A psychoeducational tool in drug abuse relapse prevention training. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 20(3/4), 187-205. [Abstract]
Dansereau, D. F., Joe, G. W., & Simpson, D. D. (1993). Node-link mapping: A visual representation strategy for enhancing drug abuse counseling. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 40(4), 385-395. [Abstract]
Dees, S. M., & Dansereau, D. F. (1993). Using schematic organizers to help college students organize personal concepts and behavior related to alcohol and cocaine use. Addictive Behaviors, 18, 645-657. [Abstract]