A popular set of scales originally from the PMES/Inhalants Project used to assess intake and psychosocial functioning of adolescents as well as follow-up outcomes. The instrument for psychosocial functioning includes three scales on family relations (warmth, control, and conflict), four scales on friends (peer activity, trouble, familiarity with parents, and conventional involvement), and three scales on self (self-esteem, environment, and school satisfaction).
These forms have been updated conceptually and technically, however, as part of the more current TCU Forms. Interested users are strongly encouraged to consider a customized assessments approach based on selective “packaging” of the TCU Forms for intake and progress evaluations.
List of Inhalant Prevention Youth Forms
(Listed in sequence in which forms occur during treatment; times indicate typical length
to administer.)
Youth Intake
Family, Friends, and Self
- [PDF; 22 KB; 4 pages and 3 answer cards]
[DOC; 26 KB; 4 pages and 3 answer cards] - Scoring Guide for Family, Friends, and Self [PDF; 30 KB; 3 pages]
Youth Follow-up Interview