About this intervention
The Treatment Readiness and Induction Program (TRIP) focuses on increasing motivation for treatment by helping youth think more clearly and systematically about their drug use and personal problems. TRIP is a compilation of effective tools and materials (originally developed with adult treatment samples), that have been adapted for use with adolescent clients. The modules are designed for delivery in the first 30 days of substance abuse treatment (orientation or induction phase). TRIP consists of 8 modules that can be used in open or closed groups. The 8 modules are designed as 90-minute group sessions and are organized around 4 main themes: (1) Mapping Enhanced Counseling (graphically enhanced analytic decision making), (2) the Downward Spiral Experiential Board Game (understanding the consequences of poor decision making pertaining to drug use through an experiential board game), (3) Nudge (practice identifying, developing, and using cues and signals to enhance metacognition), and (4) Work It (repetitive use of structured maps or templates to foster development of wisdom/expertise).
This intervention was developed as part of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Grant R01DA013093.
Recommended Citation: Bartholomew, N. G., Dansereau, D. F., Knight, D. K., Becan, J. E. & Flynn, P. M. (2013). Treatment Readiness and Induction Program (TRIP). Fort Worth: Texas Christian University, Institute of Behavioral Research.