Research Scientist
Ph.D., Experimental Psychology
Texas Christian University
Yang Yang is a graduate of the IBR and joined the IBR as a Research Scientist in January 2020. Before returning to the IBR, she served as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. She served as a PI on an externally funded project looking at factors associated with health-risk behaviors among young adults. Her research interests include substance use treatment for justice-involved individuals, health disparities, and advanced research methodology. Yang serves as the Project Director for the LeSA project.
Selected Advisory and Service Activities
Principal Reviewer: Psychology of Addictive Behaviors
Journal Reviewer: Child Abuse & Neglect; Criminal Justice and Behavior
Associate Editor: Journal of Child and Family Studies
Selected Publications
Joe, G. W., Lehman, W. E. K., Yang, Y., & Knight, K. The effectiveness of the StaySafe Intervention using a paradigm for predicting missing outcome data. Evaluation & the Health Professions, 1632787231212462. Advance online publication.
Knight, D.K., Belenko, S., Dennis, M.L., Wasserman, G. A., Joe, G. W., Aarons, G. A., Bartkowski, J. P., Becan, J. E., Elkington, K. S., Hogue, A., McReynolds, L. S., Robertson, A. A., Yang, Y., & Wiley, T. R. A. (2022). The comparative effectiveness of Core versus Core+Enhanced implementation strategies in a randomized controlled trial to improve substance use treatment receipt among justice-involved youth. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1), 1-16.
Ridenour, T.A., Cruden, G., Yang, Y. et al. Methodological Strategies for Prospective Harmonization of Studies: Application to 10 Distinct Outcomes Studies of Preventive Interventions Targeting Opioid Misuse. Prev Sci (2022).
Knight, D.K., Yang, Y., Joseph, E.D., Tinius, E., Young, S., Shelley, L., Cross, D.R., & Knight, K. (2021). Preventing opioid use among justice involved youth as they transition to adulthood: Leveraging safe adults (LeSA) protocol paper. BMC Public Health. 21(1). doi:
Stearns, E. A. & Yang, Y. (2021). Women’s peer to peer support inside a jail support group. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.
Yang, Y., Li, M., & Lin, H-C. (2021). Parental psychological control, social capital, substance use, and driving under the influence among college students: sex differences. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 1-13.
Yang, Y. (2020). Daily stressor, daily resilience, and daily somatization: The role of trait aggression. Personality and Individual Differences, 165, 110141.
Yang, Y. (2020). Aggression and Somatic Symptoms: The Role of Emotion Regulation and Distress Tolerance. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 27(4):466-474.
Yang, Y., Perkins, R. D., & Stearsn, A. E. (2020). “I started to feel better now”: Qualitative findings from client narratives on early recovery in inpatient substance use treatment. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. doi:10.1007/s11469-019-00107-z
Yang, Y., Gray, J., Joe, G. W., Flynn, P. M., & Knight, K. (2019). Treatment retention, satisfaction, and therapeutic progress for justice-involved individuals referred to community-based medication-assisted treatment. Substance Use & Misuse, 54(9). doi:10.1080/10826084.2019.1586949
Yang, Y., Li, M., & Lin, H-C. (2019). Parental rejection, resilience, and health-risk behavior in emerging adults. American Journal of Health Behavior, 43(5), 898- 911. doi:0.5993/AJHB.43.5.3
Mallik, D., Bowen, S., Yang, Y., Perkins, D. R., & Sandoz, E. K. (2018). Raja yoga meditation and medication-assisted treatment for relapse prevention: A pilot study. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. doi:10.1016/j.jsat.2018.10.012
Stearns, A. E., Yang Y., & Boudreaux, L. (2018). Hope springs eternal: An exploration of hope at a local jail. Women & Criminal Justice. doi:10.1080/08974454.2018.1450177
Yang, Y., Perkins, D. R., & Stearns, A. E. (2018). A qualitative study on barriers and facilitators to treatment engagement among clients in inpatient substance abuse treatment. Qualitative Health Research, 28(9), 1474-1485. doi:10.1177/1049732318771005
Yang, Y. & Perkins, D. P. (2018). The relation between victimization, attachment, peer support, and drug treatment motivation in a jail-based sample: Mediation and moderation analyses. Psychology, Crime & Law, 24(8), 831-850. doi:10.1080/1068316X.2018.1439029
Yang, Y., Pankow, J., Swan, H., Willett, J., Mitchell, S. G., Rudes, D. S., & Knight, K. (2017). Preparing for analysis: A critical step for procedural rigor in large-scale multisite qualitative research studies. Quality & Quantity, 1-14. doi:10.1007/s11135- 017-0490-y
Pankow, J., Willett, J, Yang, Y., Swan, H., Dembo, R., Burdon, W., Patterson, Y., Pearson, F. S., Belenko, S., & Frisman, L. (2017). Evaluating fidelity to a modified NIATx process improvement strategy for improving HIV services in correctional facilities. Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, 1-16. doi:10.1007/s11414-017-9551-1
Mitchell, S. G., Willett, J., Swan, H., Monico, L. B., Yang, Y., Patterson, Y., Belenko, S., Schwartz, R. P., & Visher, C. A. (2015). Defining success: Insights from a random assignment, multi-site study of implementing HIV prevention, testing and linkage to care in US jails and prisons. AIDS Education and Prevention, 27(5), 432-445. doi:10.1521/aeap.2015.27.5.432
Visher, C., Yang, Y., Mitchell, S. G., Patterson, Y., Swan, H., & Pankow, J. (2015). Understanding the sustainability of implementing HIV practices in criminal justice settings. Health & Justice, 3(5). doi:10.1186/s40352-015-0018-2
Lehman, W., Rowan-Szal, G. A., Greener, J. M., Joe, G. W., Yang, Y., & Knight, K. (2015). Evaluation of WaySafe: A Disease-Risk Reduction Curriculum for substance-abusing offenders. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 58, 25-32. doi:10.1016/j.jsat.2015.05.007
Yang, Y., Knight, K., Joe, G., Rowan, Lehman, W., & Flynn, P. (2015). Gender as a moderator in predicting re-arrest among treated drug-involved offenders. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 49, 65-70. doi:10.1016/j.jsat.2014.08.001
Yang, Y., Knight, K., Joe, G., Rowan-Szal, Lehman, W., & Flynn, P. M. (2013). The Influence of client risks and treatment engagement on recidivism. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 52, 544-564. doi:10.1080/10509674.2013.840353