TCU Adolescent Thinking Forms

These forms address thinking styles and thinking errors among adolescents (Knight, Becan, Landrum, Joe, & Flynn, in press).

TCU Adolescent Thinking Forms (A and B versions; THKForm) – address thinking styles and thinking errors and document control over personal drug use, drug culture, negative urgency, positive urgency, premeditation, attention (A), problem solving efficacy, drug resistance efficacy, assertiveness, invincibility, and optimism/hope (B).

Institute of Behavioral Research. (2010). TCU Adolescent Thinking Form A (TCU ADOL THKForm A). Fort Worth: Texas Christian University, Institute of Behavioral Research. Available at

Institute of Behavioral Research. (2010). TCU Adolescent Thinking Form B (TCU ADOL THKForm B). Fort Worth: Texas Christian University, Institute of Behavioral Research. Available at