Mapping-Enhanced Counseling: An Introduction

Permission to Use TCU Treatment Manuals COVER-Map Intro Manual

Terms of Use: The TCU Treatment Manuals and corresponding handouts and data collection forms may be used for personal, educational, research, and/or informational purposes. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce and distribute copies of these materials (except reprinted passages from copyrighted sources) for nonprofit educational and nonprofit library purposes, provided that copies are distributed at or below costs and that credit for author, source, and copyright are included on each copy. It is requested that IBR be notified of their use, and that copies of reports based on these manuals be sent as a professional courtesy to the IBR. No part of any TCU Treatment Manual or its supporting materials may be copied, downloaded, stored in a retrieval system, or redistributed in any format for ANY COMMERCIAL PURPOSE without the expressed written permission of the university or designated creator of manual materials. Contact for more information.