TCU Adolescent Client Evaluation of Self and Treatment (CEST) Forms

The forms below are a set of 4 self-report assessments to help inform planning of services and gauge changes over time. (see Garner, Knight, Flynn et al., 2007 and Joe, Broome, Rowan-Szal, & Simpson, 2002)

TCU Adolescent Engagement Form (ENGForm) – an assessment domain comprising 4 scales that address treatment participation, satisfaction, and relationships established in treatment (Simpson, Joe, Rowan-Szal, & Greener, 1995).

Institute of Behavioral Research. (2010). TCU Adolescent Engagement Form (TCU ADOL EngForm). Fort Worth: Texas Christian University, Institute of Behavioral Research. Available at

TCU Adolescent Motivation Form (MOTForm) – client perceptions of their readiness for treatment, which functions as an indicator of the likelihood of treatment engagement. Includes problem recognition, desire for help, and treatment readiness scales (Simpson, 2004).

Institute of Behavioral Research. (2010). TCU Adolescent Motivation Form (TCU ADOL MOTForm). Fort Worth: Texas Christian University, Institute of Behavioral Research. Available at

TCU Adolescent Psychological Functioning Form (PSYForm) – an assessment domain comprised of 5 scales that address self-esteem, depression, anxiety, decision making, and drug use expectancy (regarding future use).

Institute of Behavioral Research. (2010). TCU Adolescent Psychological Functioning Form (TCU ADOL PSYForm). Fort Worth: Texas Christian University, Institute of Behavioral Research. Available at

TCU Adolescent Social Functioning Form (SOCForm) – an assessment domain comprised of 4 scales that address hostility, risk taking, and social support, and social desirability.

Institute of Behavioral Research. (2010). TCU Adolescent Social Functioning Form (TCU ADOL SOCForm). Fort Worth: Texas Christian University, Institute of Behavioral Research. Available at